Numbers 7 gives a detailed account of the offerings brought to the Lord on behalf of the people. It’s a passage that’s easy to skim over due to its repetitive nature, but it contains principles that are important for us to grasp as we prepare to gather around The Lord’s Table this morning.
As the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness on their way to Canaan they had the best local guide you could think of – The Presence of God. Although they went the long way round to reach their destination, their journey was an important experience for them to go through and a necessary preparation. As believers in 2020 we can know that the presence of God is no longer restricted to a tent, or even a grand temple, but now lives inside us – Transformed people. The presence of God leads us in the wilderness, causes us to worship and moves us to witness. Let’s be a church that is ready to move when The Lord commands and follows the leading of His presence.
God is so good and this is wonderfully expressed at the end of Numbers 6. Let’s look at the powerful priestly blessing, and see what it means for us as Christians today.
The book of Numbers is a story of wanderings. A people on a pilgrimage through the wilderness, called to a promised land flowing with milk and honey. However, not yet ready to take hold of it, they became nomads instead of pilgrims. God has a plan and purpose for each of us as well. A journey which should have taken weeks for the Israelites, instead took them years, with a whole generation dying out. Numbers provides us with a helpful picture about making progress in own journey, to avoid wandering and being taken off course. Like the Israelites, most of the time the biggest obstacle to our progress is US; sometimes it’s our CIRCUMSTANCES, and occasionally GOD Himself steps in, to protect us from our mistakes! Numbers has been given as an instruction to us (1 Co 10:11), so let’s embrace it so we can be pilgrims rather than nomads!
We take some time to overview the book of Numbers and then explore hints and pictures that point to Christ, they help us to see who Jesus is and what He has done.
**Numbers Overview: BibleProject is the author and owner of the video. To see our full library of free content, please visit