As part of our mini-series ‘Gather’, we look at 1 Corinthians 12 to how the Spirit enables each of us to play our vital part when we meet.
Richard Jones oversees pastoral care and coordinates our team of deacons and Life Group leaders. He and Sarah serve the church with the goal of helping every member become secure, fulfilled and fruitful! Richard also oversees many of our outreach ministries.
As part of our mini-series ‘Gather’, we look at 1 Corinthians 12 to how the Spirit enables each of us to play our vital part when we meet.
Looking back over our series in First Corinthians, we see again how love is key to all that happens in the life of the church. We consider how love ensures unity, love enables purity, love defines liberty, love motivates community and love lasts for eternity!
This is the second of three presentations, describing what we believe about our Gatherings, what we can expect during these times and importantly how our gatherings should be full of life!You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.
In 1 Corinthians 15 we see that Jesus’ resurrection changes everything. It has revolutionised history, revolutionises hope and the Good News is that the revolution is here, we can live in the good of it today!
John 9 describes the wonderful account of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. As we look closely we what Jesus is like, who Jesus is, and what this means for us.
In 1Corinthians 12, Paul helps us understand how the Holy Spirit enables us to each play our part in the church, which is the magnificent Body of Christ!
In our ‘Love Builds Up’ series going through 1 Corinthians, we look at how, in chapters 11-14, Paul talks about the spiritual significance of our gatherings. In these chapters we see angelic engagement and Holy Spirit manifestation, we begin to see what should happen when we meet, and what should our expectations be!
What does it truly mean to be free as a Christian? In 1 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul gives us a history lesson to help us use our freedom well. Let’s see what he has to say…
When Jesus went around doing good, He walked with power and purpose. We look together at how Jesus enables us to walk His way; with Holy Spirit power and God-given purpose today.
We look at how God’s is joyfulness and gladness is seen in Jesus Christ. How God has a sense of humour and wants us to live anointed with joy!
Listen again to this Sunday message from Richard Jones in Atherstone. You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.
In the first half of Corinthians 3, Paul is exasperated about the lack of spiritual growth in the church. God wants His children and His Church to grow, for us to grow personally and corporately. Let’s take some time to consider when we’ve experienced spiritual growth, the evidence of growing spiritually, and how we can grow more than ever before this year!
The announcement of the Nativity comes with a clear instruction from heaven to Mary and Joseph, “You are to name Him Jesus.” This Christmas let’s think about what this name means to us.
As we read through this beautiful psalm of David, we look at what it tells us about God, and want it teaches us about worship.
In Ephesians 4 we read about the gifts of Christ to the church. So in this session we take a closer look at apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
In this interactive Sunday, we look at 3 things that are vital for us to own at Living Rock. This Is The Church (what the Bible says), This Is Us (our apostolic mission), This Is What God Has Said (our prophetic mandate)!
The Church is the Family of God, the Body of Christ and the House of the Spirit! We look at how, in the light of this, we should come expectant, early and ready to give and welcome others.
The Bible has much lots to say about baptism! We explore its meaning, and the implications and power it has for us individually and corporately.
We talk about how, on Easter Sunday, we see how all of our hopes are restored and God’s promises are unshaking in Jesus Christ. That He has called us by name, and so we can trust Him and follow Him.
The Bible is full of God’s wisdom, promises, truths and self revelation…it’s His Word! As believers, when we know the full (logos) word, we’ll have the specific (rhema) word of God. So in any and every situation, we will have a word.
We are called for such a time as this, and this is the time for obedience! Obedience isn’t a fashionable word, it’s not a word that many people would list as a good quality, but God is our shepherd, our master, our God. He deserves and expects an obedient heart that translates to obedient actions. In this message we’ll consider these things and how practically we obey God’s word and His Spirit.
Do gatherings of the church really matter? If so, why? We look at some of the things that happen when the family of God meet together.