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Numbers: Making Your Life Count19

Going The Distance

By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

As we come towards the end of our series on Numbers, Stephen shares from Numbers 33 about how we are on a journey, and God is with us! Even during difficult stages of the journey there is a provision and refreshing for us. God wants to fill every aspect of our lives whilst we are on this journey, and despite set backs and, sometimes, failures, we are called to press on and finish the race.

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Who’s Testing Who?

By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

In Numbers 20 and Exodus 17 we find two similar, yet distinct incidents, at the beginning and toward the end of Israel’s wanderings in the desert. Both mark periods of testing, for God and for Israel, and become future reference points in the Scriptures, which demonstrate the dangers of testing God to prove Himself to us, and the reason why God allows us to go through periods of testing. As His workmanship, God is not shaping our circumstances to suit us, but shaping us to suit His purposes. He will sometimes allow us to be tested beyond our limits, so that we rely solely upon the fresh living water, from Jesus, our Spiritual Rock. Water that tastes as sweet at honey! (Ps 81.16)

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The Long Way Round

By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

As the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness on their way to Canaan they had the best local guide you could think of – The Presence of God. Although they went the long way round to reach their destination, their journey was an important experience for them to go through and a necessary preparation. As believers in 2020 we can know that the presence of God is no longer restricted to a tent, or even a grand temple, but now lives inside us – Transformed people. The presence of God leads us in the wilderness, causes us to worship and moves us to witness. Let’s be a church that is ready to move when The Lord commands and follows the leading of His presence.

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By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

The book of Numbers is a story of wanderings. A people on a pilgrimage through the wilderness, called to a promised land flowing with milk and honey. However, not yet ready to take hold of it, they became nomads instead of pilgrims. God has a plan and purpose for each of us as well. A journey which should have taken weeks for the Israelites, instead took them years, with a whole generation dying out. Numbers provides us with a helpful picture about making progress in own journey, to avoid wandering and being taken off course. Like the Israelites, most of the time the biggest obstacle to our progress is US; sometimes it’s our CIRCUMSTANCES, and occasionally GOD Himself steps in, to protect us from our mistakes! Numbers has been given as an instruction to us (1 Co 10:11), so let’s embrace it so we can be pilgrims rather than nomads!

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Making Our Lives Count!

By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

The opening chapter of Numbers describes the census taken to count Israel’s army, before they began their journey to the promised land. And as we read the story in its context we find several features relevant to our day. Everyone was “counted by name”, a reminder that we’re known and loved by God. Everyone was “qualified to serve”, a reminder that all of us have a vital part to play. But – tragically – none of those counted (except Joshua and Caleb) ever made it into the promised land, a reminder (and a warning, 1Corinthians 10:11) that we must embrace God’s promises and provision and do all we can to make sure our lives count. This timely message will inspire you to take every opportunity to serve God’s purpose in our generation!…

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