As we reach the end of this great epistle, the apostle Paul devotes himself to explaining the nature of the resurrection and showing us that it’s the very foundation or grounds of our faith – for without the resurrection there is no forgiveness, no salvation and no future hope. Moreover, he explains that Christ’s resurrection was the first of many, with the promise of life after death for all who are in Christ! In this message we explore these things in a bit more detail and consider how we can live in resurrection power today!…
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians concerning their gatherings together (1 Corinthians chs 11 to 14) can only really be understood in the context of God’s longing to see the church displaying His “manifold wisdom…to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Eph 3:10). But what does this mean? What are these “heavenly realms”? Who are these “rulers and authorities”? And how does the church make known God’s wisdom? Join us we consider some of these vital supernatural dimensions of our gatherings!…
The gatherings of the church are full of power and potential and in this short message we look at some of the important aspects of and how we gather together every member can Prepare and play their part when we do so.
Watch/listen again to this key message from David Lyon at our 2024 Momentum Conference.
In chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul deals with the issue of financial support (v1-14), explains his passion to reach the lost (v15-23) and describes how he stays focussed and self-controlled (v24-27). Throughout the chapter we discover various obligations we have because of the good things we’ve been entrusted with. In this message we focus on three of these: the need to handle the Scriptures properly; the urgency and simplicity of our mission; and the importance of staying on track as we run our race. These things are so vital in the church today, and this message will help you think about how you can be faithful in each area.
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
The Old Testament shows us that “Zion” is synonymous with God’s glorious dwelling amongst His people, and in the New Testament we see that the fulfilment of this is found in “the city of the living God…the heavenly Jerusalem…the church” (Hebrews 12:22), described in more detail in Revelation 21-22. Jesus is building His church…and the blueprint is Zion! In this message we consider what this means for us in practice: what are the hallmarks of Zion? What did the Psalmists and the Prophets see? And how will these things be made known amongst us? This is Zion, and THIS IS US!
Jesus said that if we knew Him we would know God the Father (John 14:7-9), because He and His Father are One (John 17:21). Taking this is as our starting point, we look briefly at the seven miraculous “signs” described in John’s Gospel, and consider what they tell us about Jesus and what they tell us about God. Bottom-line? He is a Wonderful, Loving, Powerful, Caring Father! And He wants us to know Him.
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Central. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
Launching our new focus for Autumn-Winter, we consider the background, context and purpose of Paul’s first epistle to the church in Corinth, before looking in a bit more detail at how the apostle begins his letter (1 Corinthians 1:1-9). Here we see that he starts by reminding the church who they really are – “God’s church in Corinth” – men and women called-out of the culture of the city in order to live-out a radically different life and lifestyle. They are God’s planting in that place – a charismatic Kingdom community, set in the midst of a culture that lives for itself. With its many parallels to our 21st Century challenges and opportunities, we see that – like us – they really matter, and have all that they need as they stand-up for Jesus Christ and prepare the way for His return! Paul’s great longing is to see this church grow strong and fulfil their destiny, and he has much to say that will help us do the same!…
When God declared “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26) He was expressing not only His own ’three-in-one’ togetherness, but also His great purpose in creating men and women who would join together in unity and reproduce His image in all the earth! The story of the miraculous catch and the calling of the first disciples (Luke 5) is a powerful example of what can happen when we prepare for a new day, make ourselves wholly available, go deeper, join together, and help each other handle the great increase He wants to give us! This is the power and potential of churches working in partnership with one another…
In the final part of this New Year message, we consider what it means to be a church that’s ‘kingdom advancing’. We discover that it is to be joined with Jesus in the eternal purpose of God, the reason for which mankind was made, and the focus of our great commission! We also discover that outworking our mission in the 21st century is no harder than it was in the first, and that if we’re Spirit-filled and Bible-believing we have all we need to succeed!…
In part 2 of our focus on vital hallmarks of the church at such a time as this, we consider what it means to be “Bible-believing”. What does this really mean? What do we believe about the Bible and – therefore – what do we believe because of the Bible? And how does this help us navigate the spirit of the age, the challenges to God’s Word and the compassion-filled mission we’ve been called to fulfil?…
At the start of this significant year, we take a look at three vital hallmarks of the church; characteristics that will be essential if we are to fulfil all the good things God has planned for us. The first of these is that we are “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). What does this really mean? What difference will it make? How does the Holy Spirit help the church? And how do we make these things our reality this year?!…
Jesus promised He would build His Church (Matthew 16:18) and in Acts 2-3 we get the first wonderful glimpses of what it looks like! Here too we discover the kind of church that must arise in the nations “at such a time as this”. It’s secure, relational, generous, exciting, simple, powerful and miraculous! And it’s growing every day, because its members take the blessings they enjoy out into the world around them. The call to the church (our church, your church, His church!) at a time of gathering gloom for so many is to “arise and shine” (Isaiah 60:1) – and in this message we consider what that means for us in practice…
Paul spent just 3 weeks planting a church in Thessalonica (Acts 17) before being forced out of town! His first letter back to the church a few weeks later reflects his deep affection to the believers there. It starts and ends with descriptions of their faith, hope and love. In this message we hear the epistle read aloud and highlight features that are most relevant to us here and now.
God wants His church to grow! From the opening verses of the Bible onwards, we discover that fruitfulness and multiplication is at the heart of His plan and purpose. In this message we look at some simple biblical principles and some vital ingredients of church growth. Embracing these things will enable us to be ‘harvest-ready’ in this time of great uncertainty and upheaval in our world.
In this time when historic global events are taking place around us, we’re reminded that God’s great love for the world has implications for all the nations and for all our neighbours; those near and far. And the story of God breaking-in amongst the Gentiles in Acts chapter 10 speaks profoundly into this moment, showing His love and power impacting the lives of family and friends, neighbours and nations – and reminding us that He has prepared “good works” for us to do (Eph 2:10). This message unpacks the story and shows us how we can open our homes, reach out to help and play our part in all that God is doing in these historic days…
“Go, Give, Gather, Grow!…” is the simple and powerful way that Jesus has commissioned and instructed His followers. We’re to GO into all the world (Mt 28:19-20); and as we go we are to GIVE freely (Mt 10:7-8) so that His Kingdom is proclaimed and demonstrated; then as disciples are made we should GATHER together in His name (Mt 18:20); for as do we stay closely connected with Him and GROW in our fruitfulness and influence (Mt 13:31-32, Jn 15:8). In this message we unpack this healthy life-cycle of the church, see it at work in the New Testament, and consider some of the opportunities we face at the start of this year…
In the last part of this mini-series HIS HOUSE, OUR HOME we look at the significance of prayer and prophecy in our gatherings – powerful weapons as we advance God’s kingdom and build-up the church. Reminding us that the church is “the house of God” and “the gateway to heaven” (Genesis 28:17), David unpacks the apostle Paul’s teachings set out in 1 Corinthians 11, and encourages us to have a heavenly perspective on what happens when we gather together.
We’re excited to let you know that as we reach the end of this year we will be taking a few weeks to be refreshed and re-focussed together, looking at some vital roots and foundations.
Whether you’re a member or a newcomer to LRC, these sessions will help us all dig deeper into what we believe and why we believe it!
Jesus is building His Church amongst us, and wants us to know the strength and blessing of belonging to a secure family.
Each session will be in ‘workshop’ style, with opportunity for discussion and Q&A – and we trust you’ll really enjoy this investment of our time over the next few weeks.