In 1 Corinthians 15 we see that Jesus’ resurrection changes everything. It has revolutionised history, revolutionises hope and the Good News is that the revolution is here, we can live in the good of it today!
As we reach the end of this great epistle, the apostle Paul devotes himself to explaining the nature of the resurrection and showing us that it’s the very foundation or grounds of our faith – for without the resurrection there is no forgiveness, no salvation and no future hope. Moreover, he explains that Christ’s resurrection was the first of many, with the promise of life after death for all who are in Christ! In this message we explore these things in a bit more detail and consider how we can live in resurrection power today!…
We can all show Jesus’ love in so many different ways in our day to day lives. Smith Wigglesworth’s early life showed us that you don’t have to be the most polished preacher to bring the word of God to someone’s life. We just need to be bold!
In this message Will and Mike share a few principles and practicals for how we outwork life in the Spirit when we’re gathered and as we’re living our daily lives.
In 1Corinthians 12, Paul helps us understand how the Holy Spirit enables us to each play our part in the church, which is the magnificent Body of Christ!
In this message we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 14 and Paul’s desire that when we gather we do it decently and in order. This includes how we administer the gifts of prophecy and tongues and interpretation. We’ll also look at how we can handle some of the tricky passages in this chapter and how we handle challenging scriptures generally.
The Apostle Paul received a special revelation of the church, as God’s means through which He intends to display His wisdom in its rich variety (Eph 3:10, NLT). From his own revelation of God’s nature (vv.4-6), Paul shows us how each person’s unique expression can add to the rich tapestry on display in His church, instead of the Corinthian chaos. The Spirit empowers us, as He APPORTIONS His gifts (v.11). The Son embodies Himself in us, as He ARRANGES the members of His church (v.18). And the Father establishes His work, as He APPOINTS ministry in His house (v.28). Father, Son and Spirit working together in harmony through us … unity in diversity!
The Holy Spirit has much he wants to do through us and among us when we gather. In this message we draw on scriptures from 1 Corinthians 12-14 to consider how love for God and one another must be our motivation for operating in the things of the Spirit.
As believers, it’s critical we step into the light of God, follow his commands and train ourselves in spiritual health so we can see generations come though in faith. But it’s not that easy is it… listen more to find out how we can step up and stand out, especially as men of God on Father’s Day.
Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians concerning their gatherings together (1 Corinthians chs 11 to 14) can only really be understood in the context of God’s longing to see the church displaying His “manifold wisdom…to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Eph 3:10). But what does this mean? What are these “heavenly realms”? Who are these “rulers and authorities”? And how does the church make known God’s wisdom? Join us we consider some of these vital supernatural dimensions of our gatherings!…
Paul’s expectation when we gather is that each one has something to bring to bless their Christian brothers and sisters. Let’s hear from 5 different people on how they prepare to share and contribute in our various church gatherings.
In our ‘Love Builds Up’ series going through 1 Corinthians, we look at how, in chapters 11-14, Paul talks about the spiritual significance of our gatherings. In these chapters we see angelic engagement and Holy Spirit manifestation, we begin to see what should happen when we meet, and what should our expectations be!
We’re in 1 Corinthians 11 during our Love builds up series so let’s use the opportunity to dig deeper into the lessons of how not to break bread! We’ll look at some context of the scripture and then think about the importance of unity around the table, judgement around the table and proclamation from the table.
Watch/listen again to this key message from David Lyon at our 2024 Momentum Conference.
What does it truly mean to be free as a Christian? In 1 Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul gives us a history lesson to help us use our freedom well. Let’s see what he has to say…
In this all age service we looked at one characteristic of love referred to in 1 Corinthians. Starting with 1 Corinthians 16:14 we explored the instruction from Paul to the church, to show love in everything we do, in every action and every motivation.This ‘Agape’ (Greek for love) is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional and is not based in feelings or emotion.Looking at the example Jesus set in John 13:1-14 & verses 34-35 we saw true humility, the serving of others and how Jesus encouraged us to do the same. This is how others that don’t know Jesus would see us reflect him!We were encouraged to be ‘refreshers’, like those in 1 Corinthians 16:18 were described. That is to refresh those around us, to show kindness and compassion through our actions and not just words. We are to;See the very best in othersSeek the very best for othersAnd serve with our very best, for others
In chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul deals with the issue of financial support (v1-14), explains his passion to reach the lost (v15-23) and describes how he stays focussed and self-controlled (v24-27). Throughout the chapter we discover various obligations we have because of the good things we’ve been entrusted with. In this message we focus on three of these: the need to handle the Scriptures properly; the urgency and simplicity of our mission; and the importance of staying on track as we run our race. These things are so vital in the church today, and this message will help you think about how you can be faithful in each area.
In this message we consider the issue arising amongst the Corinthians about whether to eat meat which had been offered to idols in the pagan temples, but which was really about what they were to do with their newfound freedom in Christ. We consider the key differences between Love’s Freedom and the world’s freedom, and the implications for how we live out God’s Kingdom culture in this present age, to a watching world waiting for God’s children to be revealed (Ro 8:19).
In this message we’ll talk about the joy of judgement. They don’t seem like two words that go together very well. When the Bible talks about judgement though, it’s clear, for those who know Jesus there is ultimately nothing to fear. God has given us authority to make judgements and if we do this well it will result in sin being defeated, lives saved and restoration for those that turn to God.
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from Patrick & Isobelle Stone in Stoney Stanton. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
Listen again to this Sunday message from Richard Jones in Atherstone. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from William Lyon in Stoney Stanton. You can find more messages and other videos at You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit
The Old Testament shows us that “Zion” is synonymous with God’s glorious dwelling amongst His people, and in the New Testament we see that the fulfilment of this is found in “the city of the living God…the heavenly Jerusalem…the church” (Hebrews 12:22), described in more detail in Revelation 21-22. Jesus is building His church…and the blueprint is Zion! In this message we consider what this means for us in practice: what are the hallmarks of Zion? What did the Psalmists and the Prophets see? And how will these things be made known amongst us? This is Zion, and THIS IS US!
In the first half of Corinthians 3, Paul is exasperated about the lack of spiritual growth in the church. God wants His children and His Church to grow, for us to grow personally and corporately. Let’s take some time to consider when we’ve experienced spiritual growth, the evidence of growing spiritually, and how we can grow more than ever before this year!