Listen back to Stephen’s message from Market Harborough on Sunday 2nd February. He speaks about the person of the Holy Spirit and how important it is to be baptised in the Holy Spirit.
Listen back to Stephen’s message from Market Harborough on Sunday 2nd February. He speaks about the person of the Holy Spirit and how important it is to be baptised in the Holy Spirit.
In the second part of these introductory messages we consider some choices, actions and habits that will play an essential part in helping us stay full of the Holy Spirit. In it all, we are reminded that life in the Spirit is a day-by-day relationship, and that He wants us to draw close to Him and know Him as our Greatest Friend.
Our culture has three words: me, me, me! But are these the words that people who know God, who have seen his goodness and who can experience relationship with Him want to be defined by? What are the three words that we might choose to define us?
As we start a new year, we take a fresh look at the great need for Jesus’s church to be filled with His Spirit. In part 1 of these introductory messages, we see that everything that ultimately matters begins with a move of the Spirit, and we explore what that meant for the ministry for Jesus and for the mission of the early church. And in the stories of two lame men miraculously healed (Mark 2 and Acts 3), we discover some vital characteristics that will help us be this kind of church this year…
Stephen shares a message from 1 Corinthians 12, all about practical contributions when the church gathers together. This message is part of our ‘Gather’ series.
Continuing our series, Gather, we arrive at 1 Corinthians 13 and consider Paul’s encouragement to put things in order and love one another with priority, purpose and power!
David continues in our Gather series in 1 Corinthians 11-14, this time looking at how the heavenly realms impact and influence the way we gather together.
In today’s message we consider 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 and the powerful way in which we are called to gather to share in the Lord’s Supper. We gather within God’s holy, magnificent New Covenant, together. We gather honouring the Body of Christ – recognising the high value of who each one of us is in Christ. We gather worthily – repenting and restoring so that together we enjoy the liberating, significant and unifying blessings of God’s New Covenant!
Listen again to this message from Market Harborough as we start a new short series in 1 Corinthians focussing on how we gather.
In this message we spend some time considering the hallmarks of Biblical leadership, from the pattern set by Jesus before entrusting His continued work to His disciples (Mt 28:18-20). We also explore the gifts He gave from His ministry, when His returned to the Father (Eph 4:7-16), to equip all of us in the body of Christ to grow up into all we’re called to be, so that His body ‘builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.’
This is the second of three presentations, describing what we believe about our Gatherings, what we can expect during these times and importantly how our gatherings should be full of life!You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.
This is the first of three presentations, describing what we believe about our Gatherings, what we can expect during these times and importantly how our gatherings should be full of life!
The thought of sharing our faith with family, friends and others can feel a little unsettling at times. Ian Jones encourages us to relax and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to them and to realise that our role is to partner with Him by sharing our lives, our testimony and the Scriptures with those He is drawing. He is the Senior Partner! John 15:26,27
The 7th sign that Jesus performed to show us that He is God was the raising of Lazarus from the dead. It’s a story of love, life, friendship and freedom. In the final message of our Signposts series Benj unpacks this story in John 11 & 12 and helps us see 3 key transformations that Jesus has for us – death to life, bound to free and seatless to seated.
John 9 describes the wonderful account of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. As we look closely we what Jesus is like, who Jesus is, and what this means for us.
The next signpost that we find in the gospel of John is the account of the feeding of the 5,000. In this message Stephen unpacks the story and helps us see that Jesus knows our needs, he can do miracles, that nothing is wasted, and that He can do anything we ask!
In John’s story (Jn 5:1-17) of the man who had been disabled for 38 years, at the pool of Bethesda waiting for healing, we consider the enormous change that was headed his way, the day Jesus walked in. His whole way of life changed in an instant when he stopped looking to others, or to himself (if I could just move a bit faster …), and looked for the first time to Jesus, the Changemaker.
Today we look at John’s account of Jesus healing the son of an official, with Jesus making an important point about the proper relationship between his miraculous signs and true faith in him.
As we continue our mini-series “Signposts” we look at the account of Jesus clearing the temple. We consider some areas of our own lives that may need clearing in order that Jesus can fill the space, bring order, and lead us in His Kingdom. We are the temple of The Lord and we can make sure that his temple is in good order.
This week we look again at the account of Jesus turning water into wine and consider the deeper significance of this first miraculous sign which reveals His glory & points to the wedding feast to come!
A look at Jesus’s guidance when he sends out the 70 in Luke Chapter 10 and how we can apply that in our outreach as followers of Jesus today.
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.
God has so much to say to us. The question is are we listening? Alex and Lisa share some really practical ways we can can all position ourselves to stop, look and listen so we hear all God has to say to us, no matter what our age.
Continuing our ‘Walk This Way’ series, we talk about walking in the power of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)! Both of these baptisms are powerful, for every Christian, and vital for our ongoing walk as we follow Jesus and walk His way. Join us for some power walking together!