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Jesus loves

South Leicestershire

Our Central congregation comprises households from all across South Leicestershire, including Hinckley, Nuneaton, Broughton Astley, Countesthorpe, Desford, Lutterworth and all the villages inbetween! We meet in homes throughout the week and at the Living Rock Church building in Stoney Stanton on Sundays. Jesus has changed our lives and we're passionate about seeing him change the lives of those in South Leicestershire too!

Connect with us

We're a vibrant, family-friendly, growing Christian church in South Leicestershire

🏡 In homes

We have a real passion for sharing our lives with one another; being open and honest about the things we struggle with and standing alongside each other when life gets tough! We meet in homes throughout the week and it’s a great setting to eat together, pray together and encourage one another.

☀️ All together

We get together as a church family on Sunday mornings at Living Rock Church in Stoney Stanton. When we meet up we keep things simple – we’ll usually sing songs and worship Jesus together, and will spend plenty of time catching up and enjoying being together. Sometimes there will be a message to hear from someone, sometimes we’ll get the kids involved and sometimes we’ll pray for one another!

Current Sunday Service info

In-person: 10am in Stoney Stanton (LE9 4LU)
Catch Up Online: Watch previous messages and worship on YouTube

Building authentic community

In Homes

We have a real passion for sharing our lives with one another; being open and honest about the things we struggle with and standing alongside each other when life gets tough! We meet in homes throughout the week and it’s a great setting to eat together, pray together and encourage one another.

Got questions?

What is a life group?

A life group is a small group of friends who meet up on a regular basis to eat together, support one another and share life together. Groups are usually made up of 6-12 people and they primarily meet in homes across the region.

How regularly do groups meet?

We encourage life groups to meet most weeks, but we know that life can sometimes be chaotic and busy! Many of our groups find times to meet together that work around family life, work life and social lives.

What happens in groups?

There are a wide range of life groups at Living Rock. Some are location-based, some are interest-based and some are formed around people in a similar life-stage to each other. Naturally, each group will look a little different but we encourage all groups to focus on several things no matter what/where it is: eating together, discipling one another and serving their local community.

What if I'm too shy to contribute?

We get it – joining a brand new group of people for the first time can be really intimidating! There’s no pressure to dive in head-first right from the beginning. We trust that over time strong relationships and friendships will form with others in the group and you’ll find a safe place where you can encourage others and be encouraged yourself.

Are kids allowed to come along too?

Children are a HUGE part of Living Rock – they make up approx 35% of who we are! We want to encourage all family members to be a part of church life. Some life groups may not be able to accommodate children as easily as others, depending on the focus of the group. Feel free to ask the group leader about how kids can fit in!

How often do groups change?

We believe that an important dynamic of a healthy, growing church is that life groups will grow and evolve over time. We tend to review the groups twice a year to find out which ones are working well, which ones should change and which ones are so big they should become multiple groups.

Sunday Celebrations

All Together

We get together as a church family on Sunday mornings at the Living Rock Church building in Stoney Stanton. When we meet up we keep things simple – we’ll usually sing songs and worship Jesus together, and will spend plenty of time catching up and enjoying being together. Sometimes there will be a message to hear from someone, sometimes we’ll get the kids involved and sometimes we’ll pray for one another!

Got questions?

What kinds of people are a part of this church?

The Bible teaches us that the Church is for everyone, no matter your upbringing, history, past mistakes or opinions of who God is. The Church is for all nationalities, all ages, men, women, nurses, teachers, politicians, home-schoolers, students, retirees, dog-lovers… whoever you are, Church is for you!

Do I need to be a Christian to attend?

Nope. We regularly have people visit us who are skeptical about Christianity and about Jesus, but are interested to find out more about what we believe. If you’ve ever had questions about life, faith, Jesus or Church then we’d love to meet you!

How long are services?

Sunday Celebrations usually last for 1 hour, but we always leave plenty of time before and after so that people can chat and catch up.

Will it be weird?

Potentially…! We sing together, we read the Bible together, we pray for each other, sometimes people ‘speak in tongues’ and raise their hands in the air during worship… it might seem weird at first, but these are all things that happen naturally when the Church gets together and are often our human responses to the amazing things that Jesus is doing in our lives.

I have kids. What will they do?

Each Sunday we run HotRock – different groups for children of different ages that are designed to help them understand Jesus for themselves. Your children will feel right at home in our kids classes & creche, where they enjoy stories, games, crafts, and more! All of our volunteers are DBS checked and are passionate to make every child’s experience fun and exciting!

What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in. We’re not a church that has a special dress code!

Do you have parking?

There is ample FREE parking when you arrive. If you need assistance of any kind, you’ll find some friendly faces at the entrance to the car park – they’ll be happy to help!

Sounds great. How do I find you?!

Living Rock Church
Station Road
Stoney Stanton

Digital tools to help us grow as people and as followers of Jesus


One of the things the global pandemic has shown us is that we have the tools and ability to stay connected as a Church at any time and in any place. Church life is not just about Sundays and it’s not even just about the specific times that we get together physically during the week, but is actually about ongoing discipleship and growth as followers of Jesus. We’re committed to producing content that can be accessed during the week on the devices we all have in our pockets and in our homes. We want to equip you as a Christian with helpful teaching and resources about all aspects of Church-life – parenting, finances, serving, stewardship, mission, love, foundations… You can read more below about how we are being the church in a digital world.

LRC Grow

Brand new for 2021 is the Living Rock App! An online 24/7 tool for all church members to find content that will strengthen them as a Christian. We’re launching the app as soon as we can and you’ll be able to find a mixture of audio, video and written resources, as well as links to other great material from churches across the world, designed to equip you as you follow Jesus.

  • Grow in your relationship with Jesus
  • Access Living Rock Courses
  • Make notes as you work through videos
  • Form discipleship groups with others
  • Access anywhere, any time

The app will be available to download on iOS and Android devices and will be updated on a regular basis with new content.

Find out more

Latest Messages

Extra-Ordinary: Part 2 – How to be Filled with The Holy Spirit
Extra-Ordinary: Part 2 – How to be Filled with The Holy Spirit

Extra-Ordinary: Part 2 – How to be Filled with The Holy Spirit

In the second part of these introductory messages we consider some choices, actions and habits that will play an essential part in helping us stay full of the Holy Spirit. …
Extra-Ordinary: Part 1 – The Spirit & The Bride
Extra-Ordinary: Part 1 – The Spirit & The Bride

Extra-Ordinary: Part 1 – The Spirit & The Bride

As we start a new year, we take a fresh look at the great need for Jesus's church to be filled with His Spirit. In part 1 of these introductory…
Christmas is Ours
Christmas is Ours

Christmas is Ours

Christmas is a Christian celebration. Whatever society might think it is, at the core it is a festival about the word becoming flesh - a beautiful truth! Christmas is ours,…


Richard & Sarah

Richard is responsible for pastoral care in the church, coordinating our team of deacons and Life Group leaders (those who look after smaller midweek groups). He and Sarah help to look after the church family; their goal, to help every member become secure, fulfilled and firing on all cylinders! Richard also oversees many of our outreach initiatives which aim to introduce people to Jesus.

Christopher & Ellie

Christopher serves the church by caring for people and helping them to get the most from the teachings of the Bible. He and Ellie share a passion to see every member of the church grow and mature in their Christian faith. Chris also coordinates the work of our Trustees and provides an important link between the Trustees and Elders (the leaders of the church).

Richard & Annie

Richard and Annie give their time and attention to the congregation that meets in Stoney Stanton, where they provide leadership and pastoral care. Richard also helps to look after our children’s and youth groups, while Annie works in the church office during the week as the Office Manager.

Mike & Lauren

Mike leads the youth work at Living Rock Church, along with his wife Lauren. Together they have a passion for seeing young people living the life Jesus has destined for them. They also love seeing people saved and bringing the good news to people on the streets.

William & Rosanna

William is a worship leader at has a heart for seeing young people trained up in their instruments and in worship. Together with his wife, Rosanna, William leads a life group and is involved with many areas in the life of Living Rock Church.

Curious about what church is like?

Taking the first step and attending church can be daunting. If you'd like to see what happens beforehand you can have a look through our YouTube channel. We record most Sundays and post other content during the week, so you'll get a good idea if we're a good fit for you.

Living Rock's vision & values

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