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What's happening in the life of Living Rock

Church life isn't just restricted to Sundays!

We have loads of events that happen each week for people of all ages, backgrounds and interests; we’re confident that there’s something for everyone! As well as our Sunday gatherings across the region and mid-week groups, we also run weekly events for mums and kids, men, internationals, the older generation, people with musical abilities, people interested in crafts… the list goes on!

Feel free to look through our calendar below and find something that sounds exciting. Equally, if you’d like to suggest a group or event that we could do, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at with your thoughts, or if you have any questions about any of the events that we do.

Weekly Encouragements

Fri, 8am

During the weeks we will be regularly sending out a thought for the day, these will be short video messages, containing scriptures and words of encouragement to bless and strengthen us. Please look out for these, and feel free to share them on social media and places like WhatsApp… We really do need to spread hope and faith into the world around us. The world definitely needs good news!

These videos will be posted to YouTube and shared across our social media channels (including the LRC Members Facebook Group). They will also be shared with Life Group Leaders to pass on to their groups.

Catch up here

Worship, Word,
Around The Table

Wed, 7pm

Wednesday evenings at 7pm will include different things each week: 15-20 mins of worship, a deeper dive into something in the Word of God, or the opportunity to get around the table as a church family and take part in The Lord’s meal together.

Watch Live hereCatch up here

Sunday Celebrations! 🎉

Sun, 10am

Whilst we cannot meet together on Sundays during this time we will continue a rhythm of gathering as a church at 10:00am on Sunday mornings. All Living Rock locations will be joining together to watch the Sunday message, interact with others from Living Rock digitally, use the integrated Bible App, request prayer and read through the message notes. Once the meeting is over the message will be made available to watch back any time.

Watch Live hereCatch up here

What else is going on?

If you would like more information, call us on 01455 270840 or fill out the form below

We’ll do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

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Visit us this weekend

One church, multiple locations


Market Harborough

