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The book of Hebrews tells the wonderful story of a great heart transplant. Our holy and righteous Father made obsolete the Old Covenant which cleansed the body but not the heart, and sent his Son to establish a new and better Covenant so that we, like Jesus, could be made holy and righteous and enjoy perfect fellowship with our Father by receiving a new and perfect heart. With this new heart we can enjoy God’s rest, strengthening and presence and should put it into action!


William Lyon

Together with his wife, Rosanna, William provides pastoral care to the church with a particular concern for those in the Stoney Stanton congregation. Will also brings co-ordination to a number of community focussed compassion projects and loves to see the church equipped and envisioned to reach the world around them with the love of Jesus. Will is a passionate worship leader and oversees the LRC worship teams, providing direction and support for the musicians and singers.
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