We consider how God’s attributes of Justice and Mercy are on full display and working together at the Cross.

Mother’s Day is a perfect time to explore God’s maternal nature. He is our Heavenly Father but perfect motherly love has to also be found in Him. For all of us are made in His image male and female. We’ll explore the scripture and see what it has to say.

Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from Ian Jones in Atherstone. You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.

Kindness is often looked at as a weakness, kindness is for those that are pushovers! But God is kind, we see that time and time again in the life of Jesus. In this message we’ll consider what kindness, how God is kind and how Jesus displays God’s kindness

Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from Ema Robinson in Atherstone. You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.

Jesus said that if we knew Him we would know God the Father (John 14:7-9), because He and His Father are One (John 17:21). Taking this is as our starting point, we look briefly at the seven miraculous “signs” described in John’s Gospel, and consider what they tell us about Jesus and what they tell us about God. Bottom-line? He is a Wonderful, Loving, Powerful, Caring Father! And He wants us to know Him.