In the last part of this mini-series HIS HOUSE, OUR HOME we look at the significance of prayer and prophecy in our gatherings – powerful weapons as we advance God’s kingdom and build-up the church. Reminding us that the church is “the house of God” and “the gateway to heaven” (Genesis 28:17), David unpacks the apostle Paul’s teachings set out in 1 Corinthians 11, and encourages us to have a heavenly perspective on what happens when we gather together.
To conclude our mini-series HIS HOUSE, OUR HOME we consider some important aspects of the church’s gatherings. In this first part, Sarah shares some vital truths about the power and priority of meeting together and helps us appreciate the importance of each of us playing our part in what God wants to do amongst us whenever we gather in our homes or in our congregations.
In this third instalment of our ‘His House, Our Home’ series, we look at the foundational matter of STEWARDSHIP – why and how we invest our lives, and all that God has placed in our hands. We consider Kingdom Principles, which are inherent in our nature as new creations; and how God uses stewardship to show us what’s in our hearts, grow our faith in Him, and ultimately, to prepare us to be entrusted with the true riches of heaven (Lk 16:11). We also discuss Kingdom Practices, considering the purpose of tithes and offerings in the outworking of these Kingdom Principles in our lives. And to finish … 10 Myth-busters!
The second big theme of our ‘His House, Our Home’ series is LEADERSHIP and is in two parts. In this first session we consider what the Bible shows us about the nature and purpose of leadership and what we mean by authority and government in the church and the related ideas of headship and submission. This is followed by personal reflections on the functions and tasks of the two primary expressions of government in the church – that of the apostles and the elders.
We begin our series covering our corporate foundations. This introduction takes a look at the nature and mission of the Church and the importance of the Bible.
We begin our series covering our corporate foundations. This introduction takes a look at the nature and mission of the Church and the importance of the Bible.
We’re excited to let you know that as we reach the end of this year we will be taking a few weeks to be refreshed and re-focussed together, looking at some vital roots and foundations.
Whether you’re a member or a newcomer to LRC, these sessions will help us all dig deeper into what we believe and why we believe it!
Jesus is building His Church amongst us, and wants us to know the strength and blessing of belonging to a secure family.
Each session will be in ‘workshop’ style, with opportunity for discussion and Q&A – and we trust you’ll really enjoy this investment of our time over the next few weeks.