From the time of the two great ‘Falls’ (of Lucifer and of Man), the issues of the universe have concerned ‘Authority’. Yet due to the many abuses, misuses andf corruptions…
The last four chapters of Mark’s Gospel are an intense journey through the final week of Jesus’s earthly life. Here we find distress, denial, betrayal, torment, abandonment and death. But…
In the last week of His earthly life, Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples. At this Last Supper He took bread and wine and gave these familiar ‘Passover’…
In Mark 5 we read a fantastic story of Jesus’s encounter with two ‘daughters’: a little girl who’s been living for 12 short years and a woman who’s been bleeding…
In the opening chapters of Mark’s Gospel we meet Jesus as He starts to transform the lives of all who come to Him. Join us as we discover what it…
Mark’s Gospel is a fast-paced account of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and in the opening chapter we find an action-packed ‘explosion’ of life and hope, as Jesus begins…
At the start of the New Year we are reminded of the ‘totality’ of Christ’s finished work – His total forgiveness, total healing, total compassion, total dominion and total restoration….
This important 2-part series explores God’s purpose in creating and defining marriage (Genesis 2:24), and considers how the Church should respond to some of the related moral and ethical issues of our day.
This important 2-part series explores God’s purpose in creating and defining marriage (Genesis 2:24), and considers how the Church should respond to some of the related moral and ethical issues of our day.
What does it look like when a church opens its windows wide to let the fresh air of heaven flow in and the life of the Spirit flow out? Key moments in the lives of Noah, Rahab and Daniel show us what can happen when we live with open lives, open hearts and open windows.
In this short message we review aspects of our recent family camp and consider what it means for us as a local expression as the body of christ.
God wants us to thrive in every way over the next few weeks and months, and 1 Thessalonians gives us lots of practical help and instruction to do so.
When Paul left Timothy in Ephesus he left him with a very challenging assignment in a very demanding situation! False teachers were infiltrating the church and leading some astray, but Paul urged Timothy to stand out from the crowd, and hold fast to his convictions! “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of” (2Ti 3:14). These are similar days, in which we must be courageous, and continue living in the good of all we are convinced of!
God wants His Church to experience consistent growth, progress and momentum. He makes the first move, but what matters most is always ‘What Happens Next?’ How do we respond? What do we do? Will we be satisfied with special moments… or will we press-on to sensational momentum?
From Genesis to Revelation, God has expressed and unfolded His purposes on the basis of ‘covenant’. With Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and now through the ‘new covenant’, He has drawn men, families, and nations into a bond and relationship with Himself – He makes, keeps and empowers covenant! This message introduces the great biblical covenants and shows us that, in all His dealings with mankind, God expresses His loyalty, commitment and faithfulness towards us through his unfailing covenant-love.
The Bible warns us “do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers” (Pr 22:28). Yet, when it comes to some of the ‘boundary stones’ provided by the Word of God – doctrines and teachings that have given the Church certainty and security for centuries – we find ourselves living in times when waves of heresy and false doctrine are rolling in and boundary stones are being moved. This new series will put the anchor down firmly, as we take a fresh look at what the Bible says concerning some of the key issue of our day, including marriage, prosperity, heaven and hell, restoration and the Bride of Christ…
Hebrew 6 describes the “laying on of hands” as a foundational doctrine, and both Old and New Testaments reveal the power of putting it into practice. Properly understood, the laying on of hands can be a vital part of blessing, healing, commissioning and impartation – and therefore a practice that will benefit both the Church and the World!
Our ‘worldview’ this year will provide the essential backdrop to our life and mission together as a church – and it’s vital that we are firmly anchored with a thoroughly biblical perspective. In Genesis ch 1 we discover that the universe was created for the earth, the earth was created for the man, and the man was created for God and His purposes – which was to see the man multiplying so that the earth would be filled with God’s people and glory! Everything was designed to enable the man to succeed, and to remind us in 2015 that our environment is conducive to huge growth and expansion this year!…
When Jesus teaches about basic Christian lifestyles in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6), the first item on his agenda (before prayer or fasting) is ‘giving’ (Mt 6:1-4) – that should tell us how much this matters! This message explores what it means to be ‘A Giver’, how this perspective transforms our giving to God and to others, and how the Lord ‘rewards’ us when we’re faithful and generous in our giving.