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David Lyon

David leads the church in its mission and has responsibility for the development of leaders and for the oversight of the various congregations in the UK and in Kenya. Debora works alongside David and also coordinates some of our key ministries into the local community.

Introduction to “His House, Our Home”

By Central, His House, Our Home, Market Harborough

We’re excited to let you know that as we reach the end of this year we will be taking a few weeks to be refreshed and re-focussed together, looking at some vital roots and foundations.

Whether you’re a member or a newcomer to LRC, these sessions will help us all dig deeper into what we believe and why we believe it!

Jesus is building His Church amongst us, and wants us to know the strength and blessing of belonging to a secure family.

Each session will be in ‘workshop’ style, with opportunity for discussion and Q&A – and we trust you’ll really enjoy this investment of our time over the next few weeks.

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A Co-Mission to the Towns and Villages

By Central, Market Harborough

The success of the early church in following the example of Jesus and spreading the gospel throughout the towns and villages was stunning! Within 20-30 years, vast geographic areas were saturated with the Good News of the Kingdom and vibrant, missional churches were planted in every place. This midweek message looks at some important aspects of the “partnership” between churches, apostles and elders (Phil 1:5,7) that made all this possible, and helps us to reflect on factors that will be key in our own co-mission to our towns and villages.

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Come to Me – Pt.2

By Central, Market Harborough

In this important time of re-gathering we mustn’t forget that it’s also a vital time of in-gathering. In Part 2 of this mini-series we look at the way Jesus called His disciples to come and follow Him, so that He could transform them into “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:18-20) and we consider some of the implications for us. He calls us to come to Him as we are, where we are and with what we’ve got – so He can send us out with His invitations of rest, strength, life, courage and blessing to many others.

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Come to Me – Pt.1

By Central, Market Harborough

On several occasions in the Gospels we read that Jesus invited people to “COME TO ME”. Some were weary and burdened, others needed strengthening and still others were longing to step out in boldness and bravery. And on every occasion Jesus met their needs. As we look at these occasions together, we know that Jesus will once again invite us to draw near to Him and as we do He will.

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Measuring the Church

By Central, Market Harborough, Red Letter Days

Jesus’s letters to the seven churches (Revelation 2-3) demonstrate just how much He loves His Church, and how deeply concerned He is to ensure that each one represents Him faithfully. And in the very first letter – to Ephesus – we discover how Jesus evaluates or ‘measures’ things! To our great shock we find that this famous church had “abandoned its first love”, with terrible consequences. What is the Spirit saying to us, in our own time and context, two thousand years later?…

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The Unstoppable Mission

By Central, Market Harborough, Unchangeable, Unshakeable, Unstoppable!

In the last part of our New Year trilogy, we see that when Jesus ascended on high and poured out His Spirit He was empowering His church for its mission (Acts 1:4-8): proclaiming and demonstrating the good news of the Kingdom everywhere – and so completing what Jesus had started and preparing the way for His second coming! And we discover that the opening chapters of Acts show us in simple, practical ways what this looks like and how we can all play our part. Great strength and success this year will come from knowing Jesus is Unchangeable, His Kingdom is Unshakeable and His Mission is Unstoppable!…

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The Unshakeable Kingdom

By Central, Market Harborough, Unchangeable, Unshakeable, Unstoppable!

In the second part of our New Year trilogy, we discover that Jesus is not only “the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8) but is also enthroned as Head over “a Kingdom that is unshakeable” (Hebrews 12:28). The Unchanging Person came into our world bringing the good news of an Unshakeable Kingdom! This everlasting, ever-growing Kingdom is God’s total answer to mankind’s total need, and is the new home of every follower of Jesus…

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Making Our Lives Count!

By Central, Market Harborough, Numbers: Making Your Life Count

The opening chapter of Numbers describes the census taken to count Israel’s army, before they began their journey to the promised land. And as we read the story in its context we find several features relevant to our day. Everyone was “counted by name”, a reminder that we’re known and loved by God. Everyone was “qualified to serve”, a reminder that all of us have a vital part to play. But – tragically – none of those counted (except Joshua and Caleb) ever made it into the promised land, a reminder (and a warning, 1Corinthians 10:11) that we must embrace God’s promises and provision and do all we can to make sure our lives count. This timely message will inspire you to take every opportunity to serve God’s purpose in our generation!…

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May You Be Strengthened!

By Central, Market Harborough

Paul’s prayer for the Colossians is that they might be “strengthened with all power” (Col 1:11) and that’s our prayer for our church at this time. Paul goes on to set forth many reasons for them to be strong, culminating in his sensational revelation of Jesus, who is Lord of all things! As we look together at these great truths it’s our prayer that we too will be really strengthened and really encouraged!

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Today We Pray… Your Return

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Kindness & Generosity

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Good Confession

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Blessing

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Peace

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Hope

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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Today We Pray… Faith

By Central, Market Harborough, Today We Pray...

Let’s Pray!…
During August we will be posting a series of short prayers on our YouTube channel. Each of them is a prayer for our church: that we would be people of Faith, Hope, and Peace; a Source of Blessing, with a Good Confession; expressing Kindness and Generosity, and Ready for the Return of Jesus!

We encourage you: firstly, to listen, receive and embrace these prayers over your own life; and then, secondly, to re-listen as many times as you can and join-in with others in praying them over our church. We know God hears and answers our prayers, and as we unite in lifting these requests before Him throughout August we look forward to all He will do amongst us in the days ahead. Let’s pray!…

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House – to – House

By Central, Market Harborough

It’s thrilling to realise that the New Testament churches multiplied rapidly, grew every day and “turned the world down” (Acts 17:6) – and did so without any church buildings! How? By meeting in small groups “from house to house” and discovering that their homes were the most suitable settings for the presence and power of God! In the story of the church we find salvation, healing, freedom, commissioning, church-planting and many other things all happening in peoples’ homes. The home is the frontier of Kingdom-advance; the glory of God will fill the earth, from house to house!… These truths provide a vital foundation for our churches as we come into a new season in which our house-church meetings will play such an important part of our life and mission. So, let’s stir our faith and embrace this opportunity with great expectation!

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Sign-up in Lock-down!

By Central, Gospel Encounters, Market Harborough

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples whilst they were gathered together in a locked room (John 20:19-25). He gave them His peace, breathed the life of His Spirit into them and then commissioned them to be sent into all the world! Then He came back a week later, to ensure that Thomas was also included in all these things (John 20:26-29). In this message we consider the implications of these events for our own lives and encourage you to ‘sign-up’ to all that He has for you in these defining times for the church and the world…

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A New Kind of Wine

By Central, Gospel Encounters, Market Harborough

At the beginning of His ministry Jesus was invited to a wedding, where He performed His first miracle – turning ordinary water into extraordinary fine wine!  This true story has meaning and purpose for today, giving us some vital keys to breakthrough wherever transformation is needed.  But it was also “a sign”, pointing towards many bigger things.  Join us as we consider the power of these principles, and take up Jesus’s invitation to “COME AND SEE” Him in action!

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Wonders in the Wilderness

By Central, Market Harborough

The opening chapter of Mark’s Gospel is a powerful, noisy and fast-paced introduction to the ministry and miracles of Jesus! We meet the Son of God moved with compassion, touching and transforming the lives of dozens of people from every kind of background. We see what it means in practical terms for the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in heaven. We receive our own promise of power; the assurance that Jesus will baptise us with His Holy Spirit. And we also discover that much of the action happens in “the wilderness”. For it’s in the wilderness that Jesus is baptised; it’s to the wilderness He is led by the Spirit; it’s there in the wilderness that He beats temptation; it’s to the wilderness that He withdraws to pray; and it’s in the wilderness that the crowds flock to meet Him. These extraordinary times we’re facing are for many of us an enforced slow-down; working from home, avoiding gathering with others, or isolating ourselves for the sake of public health. Maybe this seems like being in a ‘wilderness’ for a few weeks? If so, be encouraged: God is active in these slower times and quieter places; He will meet you in the solitude. The “wilderness” is not a barren place so much as a place waiting to be cultivated. So, let’s present ourselves to Him in these days, draw close to Him, and ask Him to cultivate and enrich the land of our lives!…

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The Church We See

By Made For Mission, Market Harborough

“What kind of house will you build for Me?” asks the Lord (Acts 7:49). It’s a great question, forcing us to be clear about what we’re part of and what we’re aiming for. In this message we take a look at three biblical pictures of the church which expand our vision of what God has called us to be.

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