Our culture has three words: me, me, me! But are these the words that people who know God, who have seen his goodness and who can experience relationship with Him want to be defined by? What are the three words that we might choose to define us?
Phil and his wife, Sharon, mainly give their time to helping look after the congregation that meets in Market Harborough, and provide leadership and pastoral care to the congregation there. They are also both involved in the worship team, amongst many other things!
Our culture has three words: me, me, me! But are these the words that people who know God, who have seen his goodness and who can experience relationship with Him want to be defined by? What are the three words that we might choose to define us?
In today’s message we consider 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 and the powerful way in which we are called to gather to share in the Lord’s Supper. We gather within God’s holy, magnificent New Covenant, together. We gather honouring the Body of Christ – recognising the high value of who each one of us is in Christ. We gather worthily – repenting and restoring so that together we enjoy the liberating, significant and unifying blessings of God’s New Covenant!
This is the first of three presentations, describing what we believe about our Gatherings, what we can expect during these times and importantly how our gatherings should be full of life!
Today we look at John’s account of Jesus healing the son of an official, with Jesus making an important point about the proper relationship between his miraculous signs and true faith in him.
This week we look again at the account of Jesus turning water into wine and consider the deeper significance of this first miraculous sign which reveals His glory & points to the wedding feast to come!
Continuing our ‘Walk This Way’ series, we talk about walking in the power of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)! Both of these baptisms are powerful, for every Christian, and vital for our ongoing walk as we follow Jesus and walk His way. Join us for some power walking together!
On this Easter Sunday, we look at the account of Resurrection Day and the invitation before us to go right in, to see and to believe. In a ‘do’ culture we find that the message of Jesus death on the cross, completing His mission on earth and then demonstrating victory over death itself means that for believers Jesus has turned the ‘do’ into ‘DONE!”
Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from Phil Chapman in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit www.livingrock.church.
Today we start a new series called Walk This Way. Following Jesus and living in His Kingdom. It’s an invitation to a way of living that brings pleasure to God, not as a means of earning our salvation but rather as a response to who He is and the relationship with Him that He has drawn us in to.We kick off together by considering what it is to desire the name and renown of God above all else and how we have the capacity to reflect the God’s glorious character to the world around us.
We continue in Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus and look at his instructions to believers concerning their households and particularly between husbands & wives and parents and children.
This week we look at Paul’s prayer at the end of Ephesians 3, the example it sets in praying for empowerment and the expectation we can have as God’s power is worked out in our lives.
This week we jump into Ephesians 3 and discover who Paul describes as displaying God’s wisdom in its rich variety!
In this all-together gathering, we look at the Big Announcements the church is called to make. Announcements of welcome, to one another, to the world and until Christ returns!
Scripture tells us that ‘God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church’. In this All-Together gathering we think about how this truth can enable us to approach God in prayer, full of confidence!
Jumping out of Ephesians chapters 2 & 4, in this episode, we think again about the contrast in the life of the believer before and after encountering Jesus. We explore how that change happened and then how in the church we work hard together to preserve the unity that Christ has won.
The resurrection of Jesus on that first Easter Sunday is the centrepiece of the Christian message. In this all-age Easter gathering, Phil describes how the resurrection of Jesus allows people with no hope, no value and no power to know hope, know value and know power.
In this podcast, Phil gives some personal reflections on what it is about the church that should make our hearts beat a little faster and fill us with a genuine sense of excitement every time we gather!
In this message we continue our Meet The Family series and get to know Pete & Jenni. We hear about how they met, their upbringing in Christian households, and their passion for mums and dads in our local community.
Scripture often describes the church as being ‘family’. Today, we are meeting one of the family! Listen as Kate Boden talks about her early years, and how meeting and knowing Jesus has enabled her to embrace the challenges of life.
In this all-age gathering, we look at the bible account of Daniel’s life and how, despite his circumstances, he was able to keep his eyes fixed on God’s promise of good for His people.