Week 5
Growing Strong
Congratulations! You’ve reached the last week of the introduction to your new journey as a Christian!
In the days ahead, God wants you to grow strong in your relationship with Him and to enjoy sharing your new life with others in the church
This week you will:
- Discover that true Christianity is a relationship not a religion
- Find out how you can know God through the pages of the bible
- Learn more about how and why to pray
- Understand the importance of playing your part in the life and growth of the church
Key Points
- Christianity is a dynamic relationship not a dead religion!
- You’ve become a child of God – He is your loving Heavenly Father.
- God longs to speak to us through the Bible, and daily Bible-reading is essential if we’re to grow strong.
- Prayer links us to heaven, and regular prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God!
- Church is people (God’s family) and it is our privilege to be part of it!
- You have a vital part to play in the life and growth of your church.
- God wants us to be ‘givers’ – serving and building others up.
- We’ve been saved to be part of God’s mission, reaching out to the world around us.
- Being Jesus’s ‘witness’ involves simple actions and heartfelt words.
- Father, Son and Spirit are with you and ‘for’ you, committed to helping you grow strong as a Christian!…
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