Week 2
Brand New Start
Having discovered something about God and His Kingdom, we now ask: “Is it possible to have a personal relationship with him?”
Yes it is! God longs to restore mankind to Himself so we can live life the way He’s always intended!..
This week you will:
- Understand what sin is and why it separates us from God
- Discover how God has acted to remove your sin
- Know that you can be born again
- Understand the power of the cross to transform your life!
Key Points
- Sin is a ‘heart-condition’ of independence from God in which ‘I’ am on the throne of my life.
- All people are separated from God because of sin, and destined to spend eternity without Him.
- The life, death and resurrection of Jesus have completely paid the penalty for sin.
- There is no other way that anybody can be saved.
- God offers salvation as a free gift to everyone.
- We are saved when we repent of our sin and put our total faith and trust in Jesus.
- We are saved as we enthrone Jesus as Lord and King in our lives.
- Salvation gives us a brand new start – we are ‘born again’.
- Embracing the cross means ‘dying to self’ and living for God and for others
- We can live every day free from guilt if we confess our sins quickly and sincerely
Course Progress 40%