Week 3
Having looked at how we can be born again and experience a brand new start, we now consider baptism – the next step in out new life with Jesus
In this week’s studies you will:
- Discover the true meaning of baptism
- See the biblical pattern of baptism
- understand what baptism does and see why it’s such and essential part of your new life with Jesus
- Get ready for your own baptism if you haven’t already been baptised
Key Points
- Christian Baptism is the total immersion of a believer in water.
- Everyone who has repented of their sin and put their faith in Christ should be baptised.
- Baptism is for believers only
- Baptism is a public declaration of faith in Christ.
- Baptism is the outward expression of the inner cleansing that has taken place in our lives
- Baptism should happen as soon as possible after we are saved.
- Baptism unites us with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection
- Baptism has real power to put to death our past sinful nature and to empower and enable us to live a new life for Christ.
- Baptism is an essential and integral part of salvation
- Baptism is a step of faith and obedience which ‘seals’ our new-found faith
Course Progress 60%