In this message we explore the power of the meal which we share to mark Jesus’ death and resurrection, the New Covenant in His body and blood. We consider the ‘Power of REMEMBRANCE’, the ‘Power to REALISE’ His love for us, the ‘Power to RENEW’ our love for Him, and lastly the ‘Power to RECLAIM’ that which we’ve lost, or let go of, from the promises of His Covenant. If God did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us, how much more will He not give us all things (Rom 8:32). We shouldn’t therefore settle for anything less than God’s best for our lives!
Christopher Alton
Christopher Alton serves the church in a pastoral-teaching role, and he and Ellie share a passion to see every member grow and mature in faith. Chris also oversees the youth and children’s ministries and coordinates the work of our Trustees.
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