Roger & Dianne Aubrey join us for our 2022 Momentum conference and share about Hope & Faith.
Roger was born and raised in Cardiff, Wales. He lives in the city with his wife Dianne. Roger serves on the leadership team of All Nations Church Cardiff, with responsibility for teaching and preaching. He visits Churches and Bible Colleges throughout the world, teaching the Word of God and building up the Body of Christ. Roger has a Master's Degree and a PhD in Christian Theology from Cardiff University.
Roger & Dianne Aubrey join us for our 2022 Momentum conference and share about Hope & Faith.
Roger & Dianne Aubrey join us for our 2022 Momentum conference and share about Hope & Faith.
Roger & Dianne Aubrey join us for our 2022 Momentum conference and share about Hope & Faith.
Roger is is based at All Nations Church in Cardiff and his teaching ministry equips churches in the UK and overseas. He is the author of several books including The Elijah People, Discovering God and The Masterplan. Roger is married to Dianne and they have two grown-up children.
When Jesus healed ten men from leprosy one of them decided to go back and thank him. He had no idea what lay in store…
The Cross of Christ must be understood within the wider perspective of God’s eternal plan, and in this message Roger shows us how God stripped His enemies bare, displayed His power in the supernatural realm, and dealt with human sin – in order to use us in His purpose. The Father sowed His Son, in order to reap a family of sons.
In the opening chapters of Joshua, God’s people are told to get their supplies ready for crossing into the land He’s promised them – a place they’ve never been to before. Like them, we too must get our supplies ready for a new phase, and in this message Roger Aubrey shares six specific things we will need to take with us as God leads us on.