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David Lyon

David leads the church in its mission and has responsibility for the development of leaders and for the oversight of the various congregations in the UK and in Kenya. Debora works alongside David and also coordinates some of our key ministries into the local community.

Growth: Design & Destiny

By Central

From the opening chapter of the Bible onwards, it’s clear that God’s design for all He’s formed and created is multiplication, fruitfulness and growth! He has designed and destined us to keep growing – personally and in our churches. In his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians the apostle Paul shows us how the church grows and how each member is empowered by the Spirit to play their vital part in this, “so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” (Eph 4:16). If you want your life and church to experience blessing and meaningful growth then this message is for you!…

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How The Church Grows

By Market Harborough

The apostle Paul tells us that the church – the Body of Christ – will be healthy and growing when each member plays their unique part in its life (Eph 4:16). And in his letter to the Corinthians he expands our understanding of the parts of the Body and how they should work together (1Co 12). In this message we consider what all this means in practice and encourage every member to count themselves in, to stir up the gifts of the Spirit, and to serve our mission in whatever ways they can.

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Be Bold, Be Strong

By Central, Joshua

For Joshua and his generation the time had come to cross boundaries, overcome obstacles and possess the promises of God – and great strength and courage were the outstanding characteristics needed for their success. These things are true for us too, and this message is a call to recognise the urgent need of our day, the great harvest all around us, and the fact that the clock is ticking…. This is your time, God is with you, and so are we! So be bold, be strong and don’t miss the moment!

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Be Strong & Courageous

By Joshua, Market Harborough

Joshua is repeatedly commanded and encouraged to “be strong and courageous” as he leads God’s people into their inheritance, and the same simple phrase is spoken into the lives of several others at different times in the Bible. What does this mean for us today? What is God calling us to that requires great strength and courage, and on what grounds can we be strong and courageous, brave and fearless? We pray that this message will bring fresh confidence to you and your church as you serve the Lord together…

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By Central, Romans

In many ways, it’s Paul’s great longing for unity in the churches that underpins this letter from beginning to end! And now in the final chapter he gives powerful personal expression to this as he sends his affectionate love and greetings to dozens of named members of the church in Rome. They’re his “co-workers”, “brothers” and “dear friends”; they “work hard” and are “approved in Christ”; they’re like family to Paul. They comprise men and women, Jews and Greeks, slaves and freed-men; and all are loved dearly and greatly valued by Paul. This great apostle didn’t just write about fellowship, teamwork and unity in Christ – he set us all a great example by living it out in his life and ministry!

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A New Way Of Living

By Central, Romans

In Romans chapter 8 the great apostle Paul introduces us to what he’s previously described as “the new way of living” (Ro 7:6), and which we now discover is a life filled with, led by and in the power of the wonderful Holy Spirit! In this fantastic chapter we find that the Spirit frees us from failure and liberates us from legalism; He the One who verifies our sonship and gives us victory over sin; and He’s the One who energises our bodies and empowers our prayers! The Holy Spirit is our greatest advocate and we pray that this message will encourage and enrich you in your walk with God.

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Our House (part 2)

By Central

Every home has its own distinct emphases and characteristics; things which form the essential hallmarks of that house and its inhabitants. In the second half of this mini-series we describe in further detail the kind of churches we’re seeking to build on the foundations of our gospel. What will this house and family be like? What will it look like, sound like, feel like? It’s our prayer that this message will inspire and encourage you as you give yourself to be part of Christ’s church, which is to be the dwelling-place of His Spirit (Ephesians 2:20).

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Our House (part 1)

By Central

“What kind of house will you build for me?” asks the Lord (Acts 7:49). It’s a rhetorical question, but nevertheless provokes us to think carefully about the kind of churches we’re establishing and building. In the first half of this mini-series we set forth the good news of “our gospel” here at Living Rock. These foundational teachings are centred around the resurrected Christ: they bring great security and peace; they liberate the church and her leaders to function with gift and grace; they offer real hope to all people; and they inspire and empower our mission together!…

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Much More

By Central, Romans

Reading Romans chapter 5 is like taking giant strides to the very top of a magnificent mountain-peak, and from that vantage point gazing at the vast panoramic views now spread before us! Because we’ve been “declared righteous by faith”, Paul explains, we now have blessing-upon-blessing (v1-11): Peace, access into Grace, Joy, Hope, indwelling Love, the Holy Spirit, Salvation! And all this is made possible because Christ came to create a new humanity: to reverse the effects of Adam’s sin, to restore mankind completely, and by “one righteous act” on the Cross to obtain life for everyone! May this great message of new life and fresh hope bless you and strengthen you for the year ahead…

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The Revolution of the Unashamed!

By Central, Romans

In the opening verses of Romans chapter 1 Paul introduces himself to the church at the heart of the Empire as a “slave of Christ” who’s been “set apart for the Gospel of God”.  In this message, we discover that we too are “set apart” by God, saved by a powerful and gigantic gospel, and called to join the ‘revolution’ – declaring that JESUS IS LORD and abandoning our allegiance to anything else!…

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Bursting Our Banks

By Central

Jesus assures us the spiritual ‘harvest’ is here and now (John 4:345) and Joshua 3:15 gives us a picture of the river Jordan (representing healing power and resurrection life) “overflowing all its bank” throughout the harvest season! In this keynote message, we see the urgent need for the church to be carrying life and bursting its banks and consider what this means in practice. For all of us at LRC the new season we will soon embrace is our greatest ever opportunity to experience such powerful and far-reaching overflow!…

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Hope, Healing & Wholeness

By Central

2 Samuel 11-12 tell the awful story of King David’s adultery with Bathsheba and his attempts to cover things up afterwards, before being confronted by Nathan the prophet.  “I have sinned against the Lord”, David finally admits, and Psalm 51 is his heartfelt prayer of repentance; the public outpouring of a contrite heart in all its humiliation.  David was forgiven and restored, and enjoyed many more years of fellowship with His beloved God.  This tragic episode serves as both a warning and an encouragement to all God‘s people.  On the one hand, sin is no respecter of persons, and we must be aware of our weak-spots.  Nevertheless, however we may have fallen and whatever the past, when we come clean with the Lord there is bright hope for great future!

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Harvest Time

By Central

Jesus repeatedly assures His disciples the ‘harvest’ is abundant and ready! In Joshua 3:15 we read that “the Jordan overflows its banks throughout the harvest season”, and in this message we draw these images together and consider what it means for our own lives to ‘overflow’ with life, promise and hope to others during this this present harvestime. This is an essential message for all of us who want to play our part in the greatest ingathering of our generation!…

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The Light Of The World

By Central

In the beginning of beginnings God let shine into the darkness and began the creation of all things on earth (Ge 1:2-3). When He later entered the world He had made, Jesus declared Himself to be “the light of the world”, and His dynamic, life-changing ministry demonstrated just that – bringing hope to the sinful (Jn 8:12), sight to the blind (Jn 9:5) and much more! But He also declared that we too are “the light of the world” (Mt 5:14), and He equips and expects us to continue His ministry – bringing great light into the darkness of our worlds!…

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By Central, Market Harborough, Supernatural Church

The Bible’s big story of God’s purpose for His people is centred at various times around a significant encounter with a particular person! Both Old and New Testaments contain numerous stories of individuals having an encounter with God that changes everything! In this message we look at Jacob’s powerful encounter with the Lord (Genesis 28) and find characteristics we should expect when we meet Him ourselves. Get ready to meet Him in this way!…

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Inflow & Outflow

By Central

The small letter of Paul to Titus contains a big message for our day! The church is to be built on SOUND TEACHING and to be devoted to GOOD WORKS. This is the vital ‘inflow’ and ‘outflow’ that ensures we stay healthy and fruitful. We must remain biblically balanced in our joint-focus on the Message and the Mission – and be ready at all times to meet the urgent needs that are all around us.

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By Market Harborough

John’s gospel ends with a wonderful story of hope and restoration: Jesus is alive and appears to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, providing them with a miraculous catch of fish! Join us as see how Jesus transforms dejection and defeat into hope and wholeness, and how He offers each of us the opportunity to start a ‘New Day’ with Him…

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Supernatural Church: Harmony of Heaven & Earth

By Central, Supernatural Church

God’s creation of “heaven and earth” (Ge 1:1) was a two-fold manifestation of Himself, and His eternal purpose is the harmony of things on earth with things in heaven! This purpose finds it fulfilment in His supernatural church: people born from above; the dwelling-place of the Spirit (Eph 2:22); the Body of Christ extending His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. In this message we consider how the Holy Spirit is at work in the church and how He wants to lift us into a new dimension of purpose and power.

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Supernatural Church

By Market Harborough, Supernatural Church

The Church Jesus is building is fundamentally ‘supernatural’: its members are “born from above” (Jn 3:7); we’re “baptised by one Spirit into one Body” (1Co 12:13) and are being “built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit: (Eph 2:22) – everything about us is supernatural! The Holy Spirit is a Wonderful Person and an Amazing Creator. And He invites us to begin living in a new dimension – life in the Spirit – characterised by dynamic lives and gatherings and an overwhelming passion to join Him in His mission to reach the world!…

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All Of Him For All Of You

By Central

When John the Baptist heard that crowds were flocking to Jesus, he declared “He must increase, but I must decrease”. As Christians, we have followed a Person, not a cause or a creed. And Jesus must totally eclipse all things in our lives if we’re to find our proper place and play our proper part. His offer and provision for each of us is: “all of Me, for all of you” – He is all we need! But that is also his demand: if we want all of Him we have to surrender all of ourselves to Him. It cannot work any other way, but it is the most blessed exchange imaginable!…

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Starting Well, Lacking Nothing

By Central

We start this new year encouraged by the apostle Peter’s assurance that “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3) so that we now “share in the divine nature” (1:4) – these are incredible statements and in this message we explore how we can live in the good of these truths! We discover that what God did for us at our conversion – through our repentance, baptism, being filled with the Spirit and being added to His Church (Ac 2:38-41) – are the reasons we now lack nothing. Here and now, we already have all we need to succeed in our mission, as we cultivate all the fruit of the Spirit and activate all the gifts of the Spirit!…

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The Restored Church

By Central, The Cross & The Crown

Jesus will return at the time of “the restoration of all things” (Acs 3:21), which, crucially, will include the restoration of the Church. In this message we consider what this means and explore some of the big pictures and magnificent images the apostles use to describe the mature, restored church. Jesus is not returning to rescue a weak and powerless remnant of people, but rather to be joined with His glorious Bride! The restored church is the City of God, the Temple of the Spirit and an expression of all the Fulness of Christ…

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The Return Of Jesus

By Central, The Cross & The Crown

Christ’s return is the ultimate unfulfilled prophecy, and when it happens it will mark the end of the Present Age and the start of the Age to Come. The ‘Second Coming’ will transcend and eclipse everything else in human history! However, the NT writers want us to be filled with faith not with fear and to focus on WHY Jesus will return rather than WHEN – and on what the Church should be doing in the meantime…

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The Emmaus Road

By Central, The Cross & The Crown

Luke 24 tells of two ordinary disciples who met the risen Lord Jesus on their way to an obscure village near Jerusalem.  Along the way He addresses their sadness and disappointment, before revealing His identity to them in the breaking of bread.

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