Please wear a face covering when moving around the building and when singing
It's so good to be together again
Keeping You Safe
In order to make sure that everyone stays safe, healthy and happy, we've put the following measures in place:
More Information
In case you missed the email about reopening, here are some of the key points for each location. Please make sure you are aware of these before arriving to the gatherings
| Central
- Booking in – We would like everyone to continue to book in if they are planning to attend. This helps us with room set-up and ensures we have created as much space in the hall as possible. Although we won’t turn anyone away if they haven’t booked in, they will be expected to sign in using our QR Code.
- Arrival Time – We ask that everyone aims to arrive between 9:45am and 9.55am (it’
s a 10.00am start remember!). - Hand sanitiser – On arrival and around the building, there will still be hand sanitiser available and we would encourage you to use this.
- Ventilation – the main hall will be well ventilated before, during and after the meeting.
- Seating – Where possible, we would ask that all children and youth remain with their own family – chairs will continue to be set up in pairs and family groups of 3, 4, 5 or 6 and well spread out.
- Face Coverings – Although the legal requirement to wear a face covering has been lifted, the government expects and recommends that people continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, so we ask that, where possible, people continue to wear face coverings when moving around the building and when singing. There is no need to wear a mask when seated (unless you are singing). Children under the age of 11 are exempt from wearing masks. We recommend wearing a paper mask (rather than a fabric one) as it is slightly easier when singing.
- Children’s Work – We won’t be providing any children’s work for these first couple of weeks, but the meeting will be appropriate for all ages.
- Refreshments – We won’t be providing refreshments but encourage you to bring your own to enjoy while fellowshipping after the meeting.
- Fellowship – We will make sure there is plenty of space outside in the car park after the meeting for people to chat and catch up, plus there will be space in the main hall to do this.
| Market Harborough
- Booking in – We would like everyone to continue to book in if they are planning to attend. This helps us with room set-up and ensures we have created as much space in the hall as possible. Although we won’t turn anyone away if they haven’t booked in, they will be expected to sign in on the day for contact tracing purposes.
- Arrival Time – We ask that everyone aims to arrive between 10:15 and 10:25am in order that we can start promptly at 10:30am. Please use the main school entrance when you arrive.
- Hand sanitiser – On arrival there will still be hand sanitiser available and we would encourage you to use this.
- Ventilation – the main hall will be well ventilated before, during and after the meeting.
- Seating – Where possible, we would ask that all children and youth remain with their own family – chairs will continue to be set up in pairs and family groups of 3, 4,5 or 6 and well spread out.
- Face Coverings – Although the legal requirement to wear a face covering has been lifted, the government expects and recommends that people continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces, so we ask that, where possible, people continue to wear face coverings when moving around the building and when singing. There is no need to wear a mask when seated (unless you are singing) although you may choose to do so. Children under the age of 11 are exempt from wearing masks. We recommend wearing a paper mask (rather than a fabric one) as it is slightly easier when trying to sing.
- Children’s Work – Hot Rock will run on 25th July, 8th August and 22nd August if required. We aim to run a pre-school group each week, except 15th August. Booking in early really helps us respond to the needs of these groups each week.
- Refreshments – We won’t be providing refreshments but encourage you to bring your own to enjoy while fellowshipping after the meeting.
- Fellowship – There is plenty of space outside in the playground after the meeting for people to chat and catch up, plus there will be space in the main hall to do this.
In addition to the above we would obviously ask that if you have been contacted by NHS track and trace and asked to self-isolate or are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 you should not attend these gatherings.