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In this message we consider three important aspects of being Heavenly People (1 Co 15:48-49). Through His death and resurrection Christ has led us back into a trusting relationship with the Father, enabling us to live in the blessings of being under God’s arrangement. The Seed of Christ is now within us, transforming us from the inside out, from one degree of glory to another until the final transformation of our bodies at His return. And lastly, through Jesus, the last Adam, we’re no longer just living beings, but now life-giving spirits. As Heavenly People we’re able to reach down from the heavenlies to lift up the lost, with the life and power of His resurrection life within us.

Christopher Alton

Christopher serves the church by caring for people and helping them to get the most from the teachings of the Bible. He and Ellie share a passion to see every member of the church grow and mature in their Christian faith. Chris also coordinates the work of our Trustees and provides an important link between the Trustees and Elders (the leaders of the church).
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