We can all show Jesus’ love in so many different ways in our day to day lives. Smith Wigglesworth’s early life showed us that you don’t have to be the most polished preacher to bring the word of God to someone’s life. We just need to be bold!
The 7th sign that Jesus performed to show us that He is God was the raising of Lazarus from the dead. It’s a story of love, life, friendship and freedom. In the final message of our Signposts series Benj unpacks this story in John 11 & 12 and helps us see 3 key transformations that Jesus has for us – death to life, bound to free and seatless to seated.
In this message Will and Mike share a few principles and practicals for how we outwork life in the Spirit when we’re gathered and as we’re living our daily lives.
John 9 describes the wonderful account of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. As we look closely we what Jesus is like, who Jesus is, and what this means for us.
The next signpost that we find in the gospel of John is the account of the feeding of the 5,000. In this message Stephen unpacks the story and helps us see that Jesus knows our needs, he can do miracles, that nothing is wasted, and that He can do anything we ask!