In 1Corinthians 12, Paul helps us understand how the Holy Spirit enables us to each play our part in the church, which is the magnificent Body of Christ!
In John’s story (Jn 5:1-17) of the man who had been disabled for 38 years, at the pool of Bethesda waiting for healing, we consider the enormous change that was headed his way, the day Jesus walked in. His whole way of life changed in an instant when he stopped looking to others, or to himself (if I could just move a bit faster …), and looked for the first time to Jesus, the Changemaker.
Today we look at John’s account of Jesus healing the son of an official, with Jesus making an important point about the proper relationship between his miraculous signs and true faith in him.
In this message we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 14 and Paul’s desire that when we gather we do it decently and in order. This includes how we administer the gifts of prophecy and tongues and interpretation. We’ll also look at how we can handle some of the tricky passages in this chapter and how we handle challenging scriptures generally.
As we continue our mini-series “Signposts” we look at the account of Jesus clearing the temple. We consider some areas of our own lives that may need clearing in order that Jesus can fill the space, bring order, and lead us in His Kingdom. We are the temple of The Lord and we can make sure that his temple is in good order.
The Apostle Paul received a special revelation of the church, as God’s means through which He intends to display His wisdom in its rich variety (Eph 3:10, NLT). From his own revelation of God’s nature (vv.4-6), Paul shows us how each person’s unique expression can add to the rich tapestry on display in His church, instead of the Corinthian chaos. The Spirit empowers us, as He APPORTIONS His gifts (v.11). The Son embodies Himself in us, as He ARRANGES the members of His church (v.18). And the Father establishes His work, as He APPOINTS ministry in His house (v.28). Father, Son and Spirit working together in harmony through us … unity in diversity!
This week we look again at the account of Jesus turning water into wine and consider the deeper significance of this first miraculous sign which reveals His glory & points to the wedding feast to come!