Being a Christian means being a part of the body of Christ. Its like the human body in that each part is important and needs the other parts to function effectively and well. We all need each other to grow and this can be demonstrated in our sharing of the Covenant Meal.
‘Such a child’ is often used as an insult, but when we come into the family of God, they are some of the best three words we can hear. As children of God our pasts have lost their power, we have nothing to prove and we are completely, unconditionally loved by our Heavenly Father. If we can love one another in the same way we’re onto a winner!
In this message we continue our Meet The Family series and get to know Pete & Jenni. We hear about how they met, their upbringing in Christian households, and their passion for mums and dads in our local community.
Join our church family as we interactively explore the story of a little boat devoted to Jesus and see how it illustrates something of what it means to be devoted to Jesus ourselves. Jesus has a plan for us because He has a purpose for the world!
*Spoiler alert* includes highlights from the Gospels of Mark, Luke & John, Acts 2:42-47, a dinghy, a big catch or two and a shoreside breakfast invitation. Waterproofs optional!
A short all age message about putting faith into action and trusting God to provide all we need in all seasons!