We turn to Numbers 22-24 and read from the prophecy of Balaam the glory and wonder of the church of Jesus Christ…that’s US!
In Numbers 20 and Exodus 17 we find two similar, yet distinct incidents, at the beginning and toward the end of Israel’s wanderings in the desert. Both mark periods of testing, for God and for Israel, and become future reference points in the Scriptures, which demonstrate the dangers of testing God to prove Himself to us, and the reason why God allows us to go through periods of testing. As His workmanship, God is not shaping our circumstances to suit us, but shaping us to suit His purposes. He will sometimes allow us to be tested beyond our limits, so that we rely solely upon the fresh living water, from Jesus, our Spiritual Rock. Water that tastes as sweet at honey! (Ps 81.16)
In the old Testament we read of the Israelites who receive water that gives them life from a rock. In the new Testament Paul tells us that, that rock travelled with them on their journey and that rock was a spiritual rock, and that Rock was Christ! We will look together at the abundance of life in The Rock, poured out for everyone.