In this next message from our Gospel Encounters series, Stephen Russell takes us through the story of when the Roman Centurion encountered Jesus in the gospels. He shares with us his 4 key points: ‘Be known’, ‘See the need’, ‘Know the power of your words’, and ‘God is all powerful in our lives’.
God, the head gardener, has called us to sow and plant seed to see His Kingdom fill the earth. In this message we look at 3 gardens in the Bible that tell us the greatest story ever, and provide us with the best seed ever! Now is a time to sow generously, and see God’s beautiful garden growing around us.
When Jesus healed ten men from leprosy one of them decided to go back and thank him. He had no idea what lay in store…
God’s church is wonderfully and beautifully diverse, and yet it is also united and expresses perfect one-ness! We look at how different the disciples were, and yet how they were brought together as they followed Jesus.
At the beginning of His ministry Jesus was invited to a wedding, where He performed His first miracle – turning ordinary water into extraordinary fine wine! This true story has meaning and purpose for today, giving us some vital keys to breakthrough wherever transformation is needed. But it was also “a sign”, pointing towards many bigger things. Join us as we consider the power of these principles, and take up Jesus’s invitation to “COME AND SEE” Him in action!