God is a shepherd to His people, and He has appointed ‘under-shepherds’ with delegated spiritual authority to care for His flock. We look at how they are a means of supernatural provision for the church.
God is a shepherd to His people, and He has appointed ‘under-shepherds’ with delegated spiritual authority to care for His flock. We look at how they are a means of supernatural provision for the church.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to be used by the Supernatural Church. As we strengthen our relationship with the Holy Spirit, He asks us if we are willing to be used by Him and willing to receive and activate the gifts that He gives. It’s not about us or the way we see ourselves, it’s about working with Him and being ready to move when He tells us to. When we look at these gifts there is no requirement in terms of character; it’s nothing to do with the recipient and is everything to do with the giver.
God wants fire in our lives! Not only for ourselves, but so that we can be effective in reaching those around us. Paul encourages Timothy to “fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” We are called to yield to the total control of the Holy Spirit, so every emotion, thought and act is under His direction. That kind of complete spiritual control is for our benefit and in-line with God’s will.
The Bible’s big story of God’s purpose for His people is centred at various times around a significant encounter with a particular person! Both Old and New Testaments contain numerous stories of individuals having an encounter with God that changes everything! In this message we look at Jacob’s powerful encounter with the Lord (Genesis 28) and find characteristics we should expect when we meet Him ourselves. Get ready to meet Him in this way!…
Jesus has made us children of God; we have been born of God and we are adopted into His family, but like Christ we are not to grasp at this but instead be willing to serve and follow His example. When the Spirit came into us He didn’t only give us the ability to be servants but servants who are supernatural and live powerfully! We are a Supernatural Church because the people who make it up are supernatural and we will be effective in this world because we are willing to serve it, just like Jesus.