Jesus is coming back! We look at the nature of Christ’s return and why we should anticipate and prepare for this awesome event with great eagerness and excitement.
Jesus is coming back! We look at the nature of Christ’s return and why we should anticipate and prepare for this awesome event with great eagerness and excitement.
Christ’s return is the ultimate unfulfilled prophecy, and when it happens it will mark the end of the Present Age and the start of the Age to Come. The ‘Second Coming’ will transcend and eclipse everything else in human history! However, the NT writers want us to be filled with faith not with fear and to focus on WHY Jesus will return rather than WHEN – and on what the Church should be doing in the meantime…
When God sent a great flood to the earth, He had a plan. Noah couldn’t see it physically, but he could “see” it with the eye of the spirit. We are building something wonderful and it’s important that we ‘see’ it. The good news is it is by His strength and not our own. God doesn’t want you to miss the boat, in fact He doesn’t want anyone to miss the boat! We all need to be “on board” with Him; His presence, His people, His power! Are you on board?
Jesus Christ did a magnificent thing on the cross. Although He could have been overwhelmed by the influences of the fleshly human nature He had taken on, Christ, in loving submission and obedience to His father, overcame the flesh and defeated it completely. It was as He did this that the veil was torn in two and access into God’s most holy place was granted. In His presence we are made more like Christ and can expect to receive gladness, refreshing and forgiveness!
The Cross has changed everything, including how we are to perceive every aspect of life! We consider how this can rightly impact our view of God, ourselves, our future and purpose, the mission, the situations we face, other people, and the world around us. We must learn to look at all things through the lens of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
The prayer of King Jehoshaphat and the example given by him and his people to worship God in the face of adversity is a timely reminder for us in our day to gather ‘heavily-armed’ and ready to find our voices.