Richard and Annie Pemberton lead us in a time of looking at the Covenant Meal together. We look at the work that Jesus did on the cross and are encouraged to look up, look in and look out.
Richard and Annie Pemberton lead us in a time of looking at the Covenant Meal together. We look at the work that Jesus did on the cross and are encouraged to look up, look in and look out.
Our God-given mandate is to reach out to the Harvest; to be a REFUGE for the Needy, to REFRESH the Weary, to RESTORE the Broken and to REDIRECT the Lost. In this message we look at what it means to be REFRESHED in the Lord ourselves, by being rooted in Jesus, … in the dry place, the hostile place, and most of all in times of prosperity. We daily face the decision of whether to be sustained from the Fountain of Living Water, or to dig our own leaky wells!
In this short message we review aspects of our recent family camp and consider what it means for us as a local expression as the body of christ.