God wants us to thrive in every way over the next few weeks and months, and 1 Thessalonians gives us lots of practical help and instruction to do so.
God wants us to thrive in every way over the next few weeks and months, and 1 Thessalonians gives us lots of practical help and instruction to do so.
The New Covenant brings us into relationship with God and with all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. This relationship is held together by covenant love. As we read the book of 1 John together, we see how we are to experience and express God’s love in real and practical ways.
When Paul left Timothy in Ephesus he left him with a very challenging assignment in a very demanding situation! False teachers were infiltrating the church and leading some astray, but Paul urged Timothy to stand out from the crowd, and hold fast to his convictions! “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of” (2Ti 3:14). These are similar days, in which we must be courageous, and continue living in the good of all we are convinced of!