The Bible warns us “do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers” (Pr 22:28). Yet, when it comes to some of the ‘boundary stones’ provided by the Word of God – doctrines and teachings that have given the Church certainty and security for centuries – we find ourselves living in times when waves of heresy and false doctrine are rolling in and boundary stones are being moved. This new series will put the anchor down firmly, as we take a fresh look at what the Bible says concerning some of the key issue of our day, including marriage, prosperity, heaven and hell, restoration and the Bride of Christ…
Our God-given mandate is to reach out to the Harvest; as a REFUGE for the Needy, to REFRESH the Weary, to RESTORE the Broken and to REDIRECT the Lost. In this message we look at what it means for us to know God as OUR REFUGE. Only then can we offer what we have to others – A Refuge from SIN that holds creation in bondage, the SHIFTING SANDS of the world and the SECRETS of men. Like the Cities of Refuge from the Old Testament God wants us to be accessible, prominent and prepared.
The entire Christian faith rests on the resurrection of Jesus Christ! His coming back to life, makes a way for all people to find the way back to life through faith in Him. In the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, we see just how the cross opened the way for us all to come back into relationship with our heavenly Father and find everlasting life!