The Passover meal had been celebrated every year for centuries leading up to the Last Supper in Matthew’s Gospel. We consider why this meal was so important and how Jesus is the fulfilment of this incredibly powerful feast.
Hebrew 6 describes the “laying on of hands” as a foundational doctrine, and both Old and New Testaments reveal the power of putting it into practice. Properly understood, the laying on of hands can be a vital part of blessing, healing, commissioning and impartation – and therefore a practice that will benefit both the Church and the World!
We have the divine Seed within us to enable us to fulfil our Mission of filling the earth with God’s glory. Motivated by the unmatchable love of Jesus to move in the unstoppable power of the Holy Spirit, we consider in this message 4 ways in which the Lord wants us to reach out to the Harvest; (1) as a REFUGE for the Needy, to (2) REFRESH the Weary (3) RESTORE the Broken and (4) REDIRECT the Lost.