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It's more blessed to give than to receive...

We want to make November a month for giving. There are several initiatives/community projects that we actively support as a church, and we want to dedicate the whole month to giving to them either financially, through donations, or with our prayers and time.

Below are details of how you might be able to support the community through specific initiatives, particularly as Christmas is fast approaching and the cost of living has increased significantly leaving many individuals and families in need.

All donations can be dropped off throughout November at Living Rock Church in Stoney Stanton during the week and on Sundays, or at Meadowdale Primary School in Market Harborough and The OSCA Centre in Atherstone on Sundays.

🎁 Donations...

Donations are a great way to give this month. You may have some spare food or products at home, or you may see something on offer and choose to buy it specifically to donate.

However you do it, we encourage you to think about what can be donated this month.

You can find some helpful lists of suggested products to donate to each initiative on this page.

Rachel's Table

Rachel Morris and her team provide homeless and vulnerably housed people within Leicester City with food, toiletries, sleeping bags, blankets and hope.

They are specifically in need of the following items: Christmas biscuits and chocolates to include in their Christmas hampers – no nut based please!

You are also make a financial donation by visiting:

Find out more about Rachel’s Table here:


Janet Young continues to bless people in the community who are pregnant or have recently had a baby with essential equipment, clothes, sundries and toiletries.

Janet has asked that she is contacted first with any suggested donations. No drop offs please.  Financial donations are also appreciated.

Find out more about Pebbles here:

Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal

We are again supporting the Shoe Box Appeal and shoe boxes can be dropped off between Monday 11th and Monday 18th November.

Find out more about the Shoe Box Appeal here:

Hygiene Bank

We are making donations to the Lutterworth Hygiene Bank this year. Their most needed items are:

  • toothpaste
  • toothbrush
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • shower gel
  • razors
  • shaving foam
  • deodorant
  • nit comb/shampoo
  • period products
  • nappies
  • baby wipes
  • toilet roll
  • laundry detergent
  • hairbrush
  • hair ties

Financial donations are also appreciated.

Find out more about the Hygiene Bank here:

Food Bank

We are making donations to the Hinckley Food Bank this year. Their most needed items are:

  • Small tins of beans
  • Small and large tins of vegetables
  • Small tins of fruit (eg mandarins ~340g)
  • Tinned fish
  • Medium/large packs of biscuits (300g+)
  • 40’s tea bags
  • 100g instant coffee
  • Confectionery
  • Drinking chocolate – make with water

Find out more about the Food Bank here:

💳 Give financially...

If you’d like to give financially this year you can! Online financial donations can be made using the following bank details:

Name: Living Rock Trust
Sort Code: 20-49-11
Account Number: 60395064

Please add specific references for bank transfers. References should be  ‘Food Bank’, ‘Hygiene Bank’, ‘Pebbles’, and ‘Rachel’s Table’.

🗓️ Give time...

Practical help and support is always appreciated by the initiatives above. If you would like to give some of your time this month in supporting any of the projects mentioned on this page, please get in touch with them directly to find out how you can be most useful this month!

🙏 Give prayer...

Prayer is something we can all give! Our prayers are powerful and we pray to a God who listens and a God who answers prayers. Why not take some time regularly this month to pray for all the initiatives mentioned on this page, asking God to bless them, to provide miraculously, and to presence himself with the workers/staff and those on the receiving end of what they are doing. We pray for many to come to know Jesus this year and that His kingdom would be extended through each initiative.